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Essential Readings for all Qigong Classes:

Beinfield, Harriet and Efrem Korngold, Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine, New York Ballantine Books, 1991.

Cohen, Kenneth, The Way of Qigong : The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing, New York, Ballantine.

Jahnke, Roger, The Healer Within: Using Traditional Chinese Techniques to Release your Body’s Own Medicine, San Franciso, Harper, 1999.

Yang, Jwing-Ming, The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets of Health, Longevity and Enlightenment, YMAA Publication Center, 1997. Also, Qigong Meditation: Embryonic Breathing and Qigong Massage: Fundamental Techniques for Health and Relaxation.

Recommended Readings:

Achterberg, Jeanne, Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine, Boston: Shambala 1985.

Chia, Mantak,  Awaken the Healing Energy through the Tao, New York: Aurora Press, 1983.

Jahnke, RogerThe Healing Promise of Qi: Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through Qigong and Taichi , McGraw-Hill, 2002.

Kabat-Zinn, JohnFull Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of the Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness , New York, Dell 1990.
Kaptchuk Ted,  The Web that has no weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine , McGraw-Hill Education

Kornfield, J.  A Path With Heart: a guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life , New York, Bantam Books.

Liang, Shou-YuQigong Empowerment: A Guide to Medical, Taoist, Buddhist, Wusha Energy Cultivation , The Way of the Dragon, Limited, 1996.
Peng, Robert, The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love and Wisdom, Sounds True

Tzu, L., translated by Feng, G., & English, J.  Tao Te Ching (The Way and It’s Power), New York, Random House, 1972.

Watts, AlanTao: The Watercourse Way , New York, Pantheon Books, 1975.

Wilson, StanleyQiGong for Beginners: Eight Easy Movements for Vibrant Health , Portland, Oregon, Rudra Press, 1997.

Yang Yang, PhD,  Taijiquan – the art of nurturing, the science of Power  Zhenwu Publications

For more information, you can consult The Qigong Database TM for Mac
and IBM/DOS compatible computers. It has bibliographic references for
more than 1,000 qigong scientific abstracts.

For information, contact Ken Sancier, PhD, Qigong Institute, 561 Berkeley Avenue, Menlo Park, Ca., 94025

Kenneth Cohen’s, “The Way of Qigong:The art and science of Chinese energy healing”, and Dan Benor’s “Healing Research”, are also good resources.